In this engaging series, Ɔbenfo (Professor) Kamau Kambon and his son Ɔbenfo (Professor) Ọbádélé Kambon host an intergenerational discussion on a wide range of topics including organizational structures, offense and defense for Black people, jazz, economics/finance, spirituality, health and a variety of subjects related to Abibitumi (Black Power) and Abibifahodie (Black Liberation). This compilation held in the Kantanka (a made-in-Ghana car) also features those who are also along for the ride throughout the roads and streets of Ghana. They are full of insightful analysis and deep wisdom. Volume 2 includes parts 11-20 out of the complete 30-video set:
Part 11: Kambon Kantanka Conversations: Organs and Organizations
Part 12: Kambon Kantanka Conversations: Offense and Defense
Part 13: Kambon Kantanka Conversations: How you live and how you die
Part 14: Kambon Kantanka Conversations Confusion vs. Clarity
Part 15: Kambon Kantanka Conversations: Contract with the Creator
Part 16: Kambon Kantanka Conversations: Jazz Greats: Roses That Grew from the Concrete
Part 17: Kambon Kantanka Conversations What You’re Doing, Your Undoing and Thy Will be Done
Part 18: Kambon Kantanka Conversations Holding the Almighty Creator Accountable
Part 19: Kambon Kantanka Conversations Hijacking the Black Mind
Part 20: Kambon Kantanka Conversations: Financing Black Liberation and avoiding krakkka funding
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