6. SSS Video Recording + Slides: Politicians, Prostiticians, and The Ghana united snakkkes Military Base Agreement




In this discussion Okunini Ọbádélé Kambon shows that from George Washington to Henry Kissinger, united snakkkes policy is one of cold-blooded snakkke-like unilateralism. We then present research on how the u.s. routinely violates treaties, pacts and agreements focusing on three case studies: the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention, the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, and the obligation to pay annual dues under the Charter of the United Nations (Koplow, 2013) followed by numerous other treaty violations. We demonstrate that the u.s. does not keep its word and that this tradition continues with Donald Trump, though it certainly did not start with him. We conclude with the significance of u.s. treaty violations as a whole and the significance in the broader context of bargaining with a demonstrably unilateral rogue nation like the united snakkkes for Ghana, her people and her future using Brown and Wilson’s “The Snake” as a conceptual framework.

Duration 2 hours, 6 minutes, 59 seconds

66 Slides


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