Dr. Kamau Rashid: Jacob H. Carruthers and the African-Centered Discourse on Knowledge, Worldview, and Power




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About Dr. Kamau Rashid
Dr. Kamau Rashid is a Chicago-based scholar whose work focuses on the history and culture of Africans both on the continent and in the Americas. He is especially interested in languages, indigenous knowledges, and movements for social transformation. Presently he is developing manuscripts on the social theories of W.E.B. Du Bois, as well as a critical analysis of a key theorist of the Chicago School of African-centered thought—Dr. Jacob H. Carruthers.

His most recent publication, in the Journal of Pan African Studies, titled “Time to start the revolution”: Hip Hop and Social Justice Education”, explores the intersections of Hip Hop and social transformation. Most recently, Dr. Rashid was a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Education, Winneba in Ghana where he researched the Pan-African connections between W.E.B. Du Bois and Kwame Nkrumah.

In addition to his scholarly pursuits, Dr. Rashid is active in a number of community initiatives. His work includes supporting institutions that work to build community-food security, facilitating environmental education for youth and adults, and being actively engaged in community education and cultural enrichment via coordinating a male rites-of-passage program, teaching Capoeira, and so forth.

Dr. Rashid is a member and Education Committee chair of the Kemetic Institute of Chicago, a member and Midwest Region Education Commission chair of the Association for the Study of Classical African Civilizations (ASCAC), and he is also an Associate Professor of Educational Foundations and Inquiry at National Louis University.

In October 2017, Dr. Rashid will hosted the whm mswt mdw nTr conference. This conference focuses on the prospects for the revitalization of the language of ancient Kemet, and its potential as a Pan-African language


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