Abibitumi.com Terms and Conditions
You agree, through your use of this website and associated Liberation Forum, that this site is a resource exclusively for Afrikan (Black) people and the upliftment of Afrikan (Black) people specifically and that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually-oriented, threatening, invasive of a person’s privacy, or otherwise in violation of ANY law.
You also agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or you have consent from the owner of the copyrighted material. Spam, flooding, advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are also inappropriate to this site or forum.
Note that it is impossible for us to confirm the validity every single post on this site and forum. Please remember that we do not actively monitor the posted messages and are not responsible for their content. We do not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information presented. The messages express the views of the author, not necessarily the views of this site or forum. Anyone who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to notify an administrator of this site immediately. We have the right to remove objectionable content, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary. This is a manual process, however, so please realize that we may not be able to remove or edit particular messages immediately. This policy applies to member profile information as well.
You remain solely responsible for the content of your posted messages, and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless this site, and any related websites to this site. We at this site also reserve the right to reveal your identity (or any information we have about you) in the event of a complaint or legal action arising from any information posted by you. You have the ability, as you register, to choose your username. We advise that you keep the name appropriate.
With this user account you are about to register, you agree to never give your password to another member, for your protection and for validity reasons. You also agree to NEVER use another member’s account to post messages or browse this forum. After you register and log into this site and forum, you can fill out a detailed profile. It is your responsibility to present clean and accurate information. Any information we deem inaccurate or vulgar will be removed.
Please note that with each post, your IP address is recorded, in the event that you need to be banned from this site or your ISP contacted. This will only happen in the event of a major violation of this agreement.
A. What these Terms and Conditions Cover:
These Terms and Conditions govern the use and access to information and services provided through the Site. In these Terms and Conditions, the words “aK”, “we”, “us”, and “our” mean Abibitumi.com and subsidiaries thereof.
B. Accepting these Terms and Conditions: You understand that by accessing or using the Site, or the information or services offered or available through the Site, you have agreed to these Terms and Conditions.
C. Changes in Terms:
aK may modify these Terms and Conditions at any time. Such modifications will apply to you and will be effective immediately upon the posting to the Site. You understand that by using or accessing the Site or the information therein after a change becomes effective, you have agreed to it. aK will not provide you with individual notice any change. You should select the “Terms and Conditions” link at the bottom of the main web page of the Site from time to time to review the current Terms and Conditions because they are binding on you.
D. Termination:
aK may terminate your access to the Site for any reason, at any time, with or without notice to you. If you terminate your agreement to these Terms and Conditions, you may no longer use or access the Site.
E. Limitations of Liability:
Risks of use. Access to the Site may be limited or unavailable during periods of peak demand, system upgrades, maintenance or for other reasons. If access to the Site is unavailable or delayed at any time, you agree to use alternative means to get information from aK, such as contacting aK through e-mail, phone or regular mail. aK will not be liable to you if you are unable to access information or use an online service through the Site.
No Liability for Events Outside of aK’s Control. aK will not be liable for any problems that results from a cause over which aK does not have direct control. Such causes include, but are not limited to, (1) the failure of electronic or mechanical equipment or communication lines ; (2) telephone or other interconnect problems, (3) bugs, errors, configuration problems or the incompatibility of computer hardware or software; (4) the failure or unavailability of Internet access; (5) problems with Internet service providers or other equipment or services relating to your computer or network;(6) problems with intermediate computer or communications network or facilities; (7) problems with data transmission facilities or your telephone, cable or wireless service; or (8) unauthorized access, theft, operator errors, severe weather, earthquakes, or other natural disasters or labor disputes. aK is also not responsible for any damage to your computer, software, modem, telephone, wireless device or other property resulting in any way from your use of the Site.
F. Disclaimer of Warranties:
G. Indemnification:
You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless aK, its officers, directors, employees, agents and licensors from and against all losses, expenses, damages and costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, resulting from any violation of these Terms and Conditions by you.
H. Consent to E-Mail Communications and Opting Out:
You agree to receive electronic mail (“e-mail”) regarding services from us and concerning online membership, such as our electronic mailing list. aK may send you e-mails about services and products we believe may be of interest to you. You may opt-out of future e-mails about products and services by following instructions contained in an e-mail that you receive from us. We reserve the right, however, to e-mail you important information relating to any account(s) that you may have with us, including legal communications.
I. Protecting your User Name and Password (if applicable):
aK has adopted policies and procedures intended to prevent unauthorized access to the Site and the information contained therein. You agree to comply at all times with any security or operating procedures which aK establishes. You will be responsible for the confidentiality and use of your user name, password and account number (if applicable). You agree not to hold aK liable for any damages of any kind resulting from your decision to disclose your user name, password or account number (if applicable) to any third party. You will be responsible for any access to the Site made through and under you user name, password and account number(if applicable). You agree to immediately notify us if you become aware of:
Any loss or theft of your user name, password and/or account number(s); or
Any unauthorized use of your user name, password and/or account number(s), or of the Site, any information therein, or any online services offered through the Site.
We may suspend or cancel your access to the Site if we suspect the Site, your account information, or any online service offered through the Site is being used in an unauthorized or fraudulent manner.
J. No Other Use:
The Site gives you access to services and information from aK which may be presented with a distinctive “look and feel.” These services, information and “look and feel” are proprietary property of aK. You may use the Site only for your personal, non-business use and may not reproduce, sell or distribute all or any portion of the information provided to you.
K. Severability:
If any clause or provision of these Terms and Conditions shall be deemed invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remainder of these Terms and Conditions shall remain valid and enforceable in accordance with its terms. The invalidity or unenforceability of any term, clause or provision in any jurisdiction shall not invalidate or render unenforceable such provision in any other jurisdiction.
L. Governing Law:
These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of the District of Columbia and, where applicable, by federal law. However, any issue relating to an account or service with aK which you can access through the Site shall be governed by the law(s) specified in the agreement for that account or service, if any, if there is a separate agreement for that account or service.
M. Dispute Resolution:
You agree that you will notify aK in writing of any claim or dispute concerning the Site, or the information or services provided through it, and give aK a reasonable period of time to address it, BEFORE bringing any legal action, either individually or as a class member, against aK.
N. If you are Afrikan, you will be added to our mailing list.
O. Contacting Us:
If you need assistance with the Site or with any service or information provided through it, or if you need to communicate with aK, please e-mail us at: [email protected]