Lecture #1 – Where do Black People Come From? (The Beginning is the End) Free the Youth




In this lecture, Okunini Ọbádélé Kambon goes into where Black people come from delving into a plethora of creation stories from the land of Black people throughout space and time including classical Kmt and modern-day Kmt (Dogon, Yorùbá, Songye, n.k.). He then covers the common elements that undergird this shared worldview based on reality rather than eurasian myths based on isft. From there, he goes into 7 million years of hominid history through to homo sapiens sapiens, the first mines, mathematical objects and astronomical observatories up to the dawn of writing. This is an amazing tour de force bringing together knowledge from various disciplines. If you have ever been interested in where Black people come from, purchase this lecture to deepen your knowledge and understanding today!

Duration: 3 hours 8 minutes 22 seconds

58 Slides

Recorded Wednesday 1 December 2022


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