The Last Black Man Standing: By Dr. Kamau Kambon [PDF] 74 Pages

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The Last Black Man Standing Book

The Last Black Man Standing

by Dr. Kamau Kambon[PDF] $20


As the Last Black Man faced *the possibility of his *OWN demise, he decided to tape-record how he had been an eyewitness to the collapse and disappearance of his race on u.s. soil. He asks, SADLY AND rhetorically, while shaking his head from side to side, “What happened to my whole race of people, how were we forced into extinction??”

The following is his testament: *SINCE I am the ONLY survivor of * MY RACE AND I can’t hurt anyone’s feelings anymore, I CAN SAY NOW WHAT NEEDS TO BE SAID! (AND WHAT NEEDED TO BE SAID TO US ALL, BACK THEN!!)…

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1 review for The Last Black Man Standing: By Dr. Kamau Kambon [PDF] 74 Pages

  1. Akua/ Taweret/ Aisha Ralph

    The Last Black Man Standing is blackificence in book form… Required reading for all serious-about-Abibifahodie (Afrikan liberation) Afrikans, committed to finding (and executing) a once and for all solution to our problem of yurugu terror domination. If you’re an Afrikan and recognize that the survival of our race is in jeopardy, you NEED to read this book! If you’re an Afrikan and want to put an end to the genocidal war that our people have been subjected to for far too long, you NEED to read this book! If you’re an Afrikan and, like nana Fannie Lou Hamer, you’re just sick and tired of being sick and tired, you NEED to read this book! If you’re an Afrikan and you think that this all this talk about genocide, war, yurugu terror domination and Afrikan liberation is the exaggerated babble of some disgruntled black folk, you NEED to read this book….twice….and while you’re at it go lock yourself away somewhere for a couple months and read baba Kambon’s other books, read all of baba Mwalimu Baruti’s books, read all of baba John Henrik Clarke’s, baba Chancellor Williams’ books, read War on the Horizon, then come back to the family and let us know what you’re thoughts are on the “exaggerated babble”. If you’re Afrikan period, you NEED to read this book!

    Its $20 but TRUST me is worth much, much more!

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