What Afrikan Names May (or May Not) Tell Us about the State of Pan-Afrikanism




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What Afrikan Names May (or May Not) Tell Us about the State of Pan-Afrikanism

Ọbádélé Kambon, PhD; Nana Yaw Mmireku Yɛboah, MPhil ASAA 2017 :|: UG-IAS :|: LECIAD Syndicate Room 2
13 October 2017 :|: 1:30 – 3:00PM

Names are important to Afrikan=Black people of the continent and diaspora as, traditionally, one’s name is seen as playing a crucial role in the fulfilment (or lack thereof) of one’s life purpose (Obeng, 2001). However, due to enslavement and neo-enslavement in the diaspora as well as colonialism and neo-colonialism on the continent, many Afrikan=Black people now give their children the names of their enslavers or colonial enemies. In this paper, we utilize a comparative anthroponymic (human name) analysis making use of case studies from two institutions (Institute of African Studies-UG Legon and Abibitumi Kasa) in order to observe how some Afrikan=Black people adopt Eurasian names and/or retain/reclaim Afrikan names and the form such names take.

Video (Viewable Online) and Secured PDF of PowerPoint Presentation (downloadable) Combo Bundle

Video Duration: 27:16
Secured PDF of Lecture Slides: 22 Slides


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